Do you avoid intense workouts for fear of leaking?
Do you avoid intercourse because it’s painful?
As a pelvic health physical therapist I’m often sounding the alarm that the issues you’re living with are in fact, issues.
Most people don’t know that leaking and having painful sex are two of the most prominent issues among women. These two issues (among many others) are treatable with conservative, whole-body treatments offered by a pelvic health physical therapist.
I’ve listed 11 Little Known Facts About the Pelvic Floor to help educate women about the care and options available to help:
- feel better
- move better
- live without restriction from certain activities
11 little known facts about your pelvic floor!
- Leaking urine, even tiny amounts, is not normal.
- Painful sex, either during or prior is not normal.
- The pelvic floor muscles can be too strong (tight).
- The pelvic floor muscles can be too relaxed (loose).
- The pelvic floor is a muscle that can be prepared for a smooth birth.
- The pelvic floor should recover from birth in specific ways.
- The pelvic floor supports your bowel movements.
- Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can help with infertility.
- Pain in your lower abdomen can be associated with a chronic pelvic floor condition.
- The popular pelvic floor move “Kegels” may be making your pelvic floor symptoms worse…
- Your postpartum abs, or lack their of, are known to us as Diastasis Recti.
Every fact above is linked, learn more by clicking along!