Don’t Let Your Abs Take Over Your Kegels: How to Perform the Pelvic Floor Exercise the Right Way

Kegels have become the go-to solution for anyone experiencing pelvic dysfunction, regardless of the underlying cause. Whether it’s pain during sex, urinary leakage, frequent urination urges, or even back pain, Kegel exercises for women have been prescribed as the blanket approach.

Pee when you sneeze? Kegel.

Want a smooth delivery? Kegel!

Want a toned buttock and tighten the vaginal walls? Contract your pelvic floor! 

Unfortunately, this one-size-fits-all approach can be misguided and ineffective for many individuals. They can actually cause more harm than good. That’s why it’s important to learn how to perform them correctly. In this article, we’ll discuss an in-depth look at what Kegels are, common Kegel mistakes, and tips and tricks on how to do them properly. So let’s dive right into it and explore all there is about proper Kegel technique!

Vaginal or urinary infection and problems concept. Young woman holds paper with HELP above crotch
Vaginal or pelvic floor dysfunction. Young woman holds paper with HELP

What Is The Pelvic Floor Exercise?

Did you know that one in three women experience pelvic floor issues? This alarming statistic demonstrates just how imperative it is to understand how to perform a proper pelvic floor exercise. The pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, are the contracting and relaxing of the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These exercises can help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, improve bladder and bowel control, and enhance sexual function. 

How To Prepare For Pelvic Floor Exercise

To ensure you have a successful journey, preparation is key. Here are some crucial steps that will help you achieve optimal readiness:

1) Get Educated – First things first, it’s essential to understand what these exercises involve and how they can benefit you. Read up on the basics, so you know exactly what muscles need to be targeted, as well as the correct technique for performing them safely.

2) Assess Your Body – Taking note of any existing physical issues or limitations, such as pain or discomfort in the area around your pelvis, is important before starting an exercise routine. This helps create a roadmap tailored specifically to meet your individual needs.

3) Find Support – Having someone by your side who understands this process can make all the difference. Whether it’s a friend, family member or pelvic floor therapist, having a support system makes it easier to stay motivated and accountable with regular practice.

4) Make It Fun – Exercising doesn’t have to feel like a chore if done right; adding activities that bring enjoyment into the mix can keep boredom at bay while helping establish consistency over time. From listening to music during workouts to getting creative with props – there are plenty of ways to make exercising enjoyable!

So now we’ve got everything covered from education through fun – let’s hit those Kegels head-on! With proper preparation and dedication, you’ll find yourself achieving maximum results in no time at all!

Step-By-Step Instructions For Performing Pelvic Floor Exercise

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge and prepared to tackle this important exercise let’s get into it! Focusing on not tightening the abdomen and engaging the correct muscles. Here are step-by-step instructions for performing pelvic floor exercises:

1) Find Your Muscles – To begin, locate your pelvic muscles by stopping urination midstream. These same muscles need to be targeted during the kegel exercise.

2) Isolate & Contract – Once located, isolate these muscles by contracting them on their own without involving any other body parts or movements. Squeeze and lift the pelvic floor for a count of three seconds before releasing for another three-second count. Repeat this process 10 times in one session.

3) Increase Intensity– As your muscle strength increases over time, challenge yourself further by increasing intensity as desired. This can involve holding contractions longer (up to 10 seconds), doing more repetitions per set (15-20), or adding resistance, such as weights, while exercising.

With practice and dedication, you’ll soon be able to reap all the incredible benefits that come with having strong pelvic floor muscles! So stick with it and see what amazing results await you!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Pelvic Floor Exercise

While the pelvic floor exercise is relatively simple, there are some common mistakes that people make when performing it. Avoiding these missteps can help you get the most out of your workout and ensure a safe and effective experience. Let’s take a look at what not to do while exercising your pelvic floor muscles.

Avoid engaging the stomach, buttocks, or thighs. One way to do this is to lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, contract your pelvic floor muscles without tightening your stomach, buttocks, or thighs. You can also try to isolate the pelvic floor muscles by imagining that you are stopping the flow of urine midstream. With practice, you will be able to perform Kegels correctly without engaging other muscle groups.

It’s also important to pay attention to your breathing – instead of holding your breath during contractions, inhale deeply for three-five seconds before exhaling slowly for another three-five seconds as you release tension from the area. Doing this will help reduce any potential discomfort or pain in your pelvic region due to incorrect breathing patterns.

Another thing to keep an eye on is how often you do these exercises; too much repetition can lead to fatigue and even injury if done incorrectly or excessively. For best results, perform two sets per day with 10 repetitions each time, keeping rest days between sessions whenever needed. Remember: just like any other muscle group, it’s essential that you give them adequate recovery time so they can be properly strengthened without straining themselves unnecessarily!

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way towards optimizing good form when performing kegel exercises — helping bring balance back into both body and mind.


It’s important to make sure you are doing Kegel exercises correctly, for maximum benefit and minimal risk. Taking time away from crunches and sit-ups to focus on your Kegels can help strengthen your core muscles in the long run. 

I’m here to tell you that practicing pelvic floor exercises is worth the effort – both physically and emotionally. Not only do these exercises target specific areas of the body, but they also provide emotional benefits such as improved self-confidence and increased comfort during sex. The added bonus is that Kegels can be done anywhere without anyone knowing.

So don’t let your abs take over your Kegels; practice them regularly and reap all their amazing physical and mental benefits! With consistency, dedication, and proper form, I promise you won’t regret taking time out of your day to invest in strengthening the muscles down below.

I help women and children live their life to the fullest, without worrying about pelvic floor pain, peeing while sneezing, or difficulty pooping. When not at the office, I like to play board games with my kids, binge-watch Netflix with hubby, and travel outside of the AZ heat.

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  1. Understand the anatomy of the pelvic floor
  2. Learn regular pelvic floor exercises & health tips
  3. Identify and address underlying issues of pelvic floor dysfunction