Does your child suffer from Enuresis?

Are you concerned your little one is wetting the bed a little too much for their age?

Have they been potty trained for quite some time, but still having trouble waking up to relieve themselves?

It’s normal for most children to wet the bed during the potty training transition. Occasional accidents are expected as children learn to control their bladder and then become aware it’s time to head to the toilet.

But not all children experience a smooth transition. Some children, roughly 10%, require extra tools and intervention to know when it’s time to go.

After the age of five consistent bedwetting, two or more times a week for longer than a month, is known as enuresis. 

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, 5 to 7 million children in the United States suffer from this condition, and it affects twice as many boys than girls.

So why do some children experience Enuresis? 

The most common cause of enuresis is constipation.  Over 55% of children that struggle with bedwetting also struggle with regular bowel movements.  

Below are 8 causes for nighttime wetting:

  • Genetic factors
  • Anxiety
  • Excessive urine production
  • Difficulties waking up from deep sleep
  • Delayed development of the brain’s regulation on the bladder
  • Inability to empty bladder fully prior to bed, or voluntary holding urine for long period 
  • Hormonal factors. Not enough antidiuretic hormone is produced. This is the hormone that slows urine production at night.
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Constipation

Treatment for enuresis is available from a Pediatric Pelvic Health Physical Therapist.

A pediatric pelvic health physical therapist can assist you and your child by: 

  • understanding your child’s medical history, 
  • use external biofeedback to help with pelvic floor awareness and targeted therapy and tools,
  • general education on how to improve bowel health at home.


The goal of pediatric pelvic floor treatment for enuresis is to help you and your child have a restful night’s sleep, allow peace of mind for their first sleepover or a weekend with grandparents, and most importantly to learn to control and coordinate their body in its most optimal way. 

We can help your family at our Gilbert location, click here for more information on Thrive Pediatrics.

I help women and children live their life to the fullest, without worrying about pelvic floor pain, peeing while sneezing, or difficulty pooping. When not at the office, I like to play board games with my kids, binge-watch Netflix with hubby, and travel outside of the AZ heat.

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